About Us

What’s a Ragamancer?

Who’s askin’? What’s it to ya? Can’t ya see I’m summoning sometin’ ‘ere? Ya gonna help, or what?

Royce Roeswood – Middle Ragamancer

I wear a lot of different hats: actor, playwright, poet, improviser, teaching artist, game designer. This is an umbrella space to collect various projects that don’t have a home somewhere else.

You can follow me on your social media of choice via my Linktree.

Didn’t This Used to be a Theatre Company?

Yes, I produced a couple of shows in Denver in 2015-16 under the name The Ragamancers. I like the name. I might still do another show, but I’m working on different projects now. And besides, I still had the domain name. You can check out the old page here.

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